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José Magro, PhD  

Él / He

Assistant Clinical Professor

Department of Spanish and Portuguese/SLLC

JMZ 4105, 4125 N Library Ln.

University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742




PhD    The CUNY Graduate Center, NEW YORK CITY                                   June 2016

Program in Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literatures and Languages,

linguistics track

Emphasis: Critical Applied Sociolinguistics

Dissertation: “LENGUA Y RACISMO: Motivación, competencia y conciencia lingüística en la clase de español como segunda lengua: integración de contenidos relacionados con la dimensión socio-política del lenguaje en un acercamiento content-based”

            Committee: José del Valle (chair), Beatriz Lado (director), Laura Callahan

            Relevant coursework:

  • Applied linguistics

  • Second Language acquisition

  • Spanish in contact

  • Spanish in the United States

  • Spanish as Historical Problem

  • Language Ideologies

  • Sociolinguistics

  • Methods of Research

  • Youth, Marginalization, and Subcultures of Resistance

Overall GPA: 3.96


MEd   Queens College (CUNY), QUEENS, NEW YORK                                 May 2012

New York State Teacher Certificate through MS Ed (Spanish 7-12)

The Master of Science in Education Program (Spanish) is an exhaustive program that responds to the needs of instructors and prospective instructors of foreign languages. The degree program combines coursework in (1) culture, literature, and language, (2) foreign language education, and (3) professional education. This program has a strong focus on task-oriented and content-based instruction within a communicative approach

Relevant coursework:

  • Educational Foundations

  • Educational Psychology

  • Seminar in Teaching Foreign Languages

  • Student Teaching

  • Standards-Based Curriculum & Assessment in Teaching Foreign Languages

  • Language, Literacy & Culture in Education

  • History of the Spanish language

  • Spanish Culture and Civilization

Overall GPA: 3.96


BS       Universidad Complutense de Madrid, SPAIN                                           May 1995

            Social Psychology Concentration

Relevant Coursework:

•     Psychology of Memory and Human Learning

•     Behavior Modification

•     Developmental Psychology

•     Group Dynamics

•     Thought and Language

•     Psychology of Personality

•     Psychological Evaluation

•     Psychometry

•     Psychology of Motivation and Emotion

•     Social Psychology

•     Research Methodology

•     Biological Foundations of Behavior

•     Psychopathology

•     Anthropology

•     Statistics


Academic Appointments


University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland                              May 2022 to Present

Assistant Clinical Professor,

Department of Spanish and Portuguese/Second Language, Literatures, and Cultures (SLLC)

(Visiting Assistant Professor, 2016-2017; Lecturer, 2017-2022)

  • Antiracist curriculum developer: Design, integration, and supervision of antiracist modules for basic, intermediate, and advanced level Spanish language classes

  • Sociolinguistics, Translation, Spanish for specific purposes, and Advanced Spanish Professor:

    • Specialization in antiracist pedagogies

    • Ability to work with task and content-based pedagogy within communicative approaches

    • Extensive knowledge of instructional technology to be applied to language pedagogy

    • Course development:

      • Language and antiracism (Explorations in Arts and Humanities): This sociolinguistics seminar is addressed to incoming ARHU majors, particularly those seeking a degree that will allow them to teach any language (including both L1 and L2) at any educational level. It is anchored in a critical interdisciplinary approach — sociolinguistics, applied linguistics, Hispanic applied linguistics, linguistic anthropology, sociology, social psychology, race studies, Latinx studies, language acquisition, education, Hip-Hop studies — that emphasizes the social, political and ideological dimensions of language. Its objective is to raise linguistic awareness through the implementation of antiracist language teaching methods in the language classroom.

      • A twofold advanced translation of technical texts course where translation theory and sociolinguistics meet in a content-based approach focused on critical thinking development and anti-racist awareness

      • An interdisciplinary general education approved course introducing the study of Latin America and its representations and expressions through the relationships between power, language, and identity. This course explores how different agendas impact upon the making and unmaking of identities in different contexts, examining some of the most thought-provoking ones as they are represented in the current cultural production of cinema, literature, music, and visual arts of the region, with a particular focus on how Hip-Hop is being adopted and adapted while shaping and forging new identities

      • A content-based legal translation class which intersects with linguistic awareness, linguistic discriminatory practices, and immigration

      • Spanish and the Law, a course offering students the opportunity to enhance Spanish linguistic and intercultural communication skills in contexts of legal practice.


  • Basic and intermediate level Spanish Professor:

    • Ability to work with task-based pedagogy within a communicative approach

    • Extensive knowledge of instructional technology to be applied to language pedagogy


  • Instructor for antiracist teacher education: Conducting workshops for department’s language instructors. These are focused on theoretical and practical issues to teach language from an antiracist perspective

  • Language Partner Program:

    • Liaison for this program offering majors in Spanish the opportunity to meet with international students outside the classroom and practice their target language in an informal yet structured way. For international students, the program provides a forum for connecting with U.S. students and integrating into the UMD campus



Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.                           August 2021 to January 2022

Graduate Adjunct Professor

History of Spanish language seminar: Designing and teaching a PhD class integrating formal/structural and critical sociopolitical aspects of the history of Spanish. The goal of this seminar was to raise critical linguistic awareness and develop tools that utilize theoretical knowledge in the daily practice of future instructors of Spanish


American University, Washington, D.C.                              January 2018 to January 2019

Adjunct Professor

Advanced, Intermediate, and Basic Spanish courses in which I integrated critical antiracist pedagogies


The George Washington University, Washington, D.C.      August 2015 to August 2016

Visiting Professor,

(Adjunct Professor, 2014-2015)

  • Advanced Spanish Coordinator:
    Instructor supervision in a highly standardized course that, in order to maximize homogeneity among sections, required:

    • Instructor's supervision and training

    • Observation of classes and assessments

    • Providing feedback to instructors

    • Research-based task and content-based curriculum and assessment development/maintenance

    • Extensive knowledge of instructional technology (BlackBoard, VoiceThread, etc.)

    • Coordination of student placement


  • Advanced Spanish Professor:

    • Ability to work with task and content-based pedagogy

    • Extensive knowledge of instructional technology to be applied to classroom language pedagogy


  • Intermediate Spanish Instructor:

    • Ability to work with task-based pedagogy

    • Extensive knowledge of instructional technology to be applied to classroom language pedagogy


  • University services:

    • Coordinator of the Spanish Program movie series:

      • Selection of international Spanish language films related to the content seen by students in class during their semester;

      • schedule and physical/digital promotion;

      • coordinating colloquia; poster designer

    • Study abroad adviser:

      • Collaboration with Study Abroad faculty directors

      • Interviewing students and analyze course syllabi of different study abroad programs taken by GWU students in order to be approved for credit transfer

    • Fulbright scholarship interviewer: conduct oral and written Spanish proficiency interviews in order to assess students’ linguistic competence.

Hunter College (CUNY), New York City                                   August 2013 to July 2015

Adjunct Professor

Developed program that emphasized language and culture learning in diverse classrooms through specialized curriculum tracks within sections. Tracks were adapted to different levels within each section while taking into consideration students’ linguistic proficiency, needs, goals, and sociocultural backgrounds. This program was content-based, task-oriented, and had an emphasis on critical thinking. Spanish instructor for elementary and intermediate Spanish; tutoring (all levels).


Additional Teaching Appointments


Townsend Harris High School, Queens, New York                 January 2012 to June 2012

Student teacher internship,

  • Develop and teach culture contextualized task based thematic units with their respective I.P.A.s (Interpretive Performance Assessments) framed on the communicative approach based on the 5 Cs proposed by the ACTFL (levels 2 and 4) in culturally diverse classrooms   

  • As a consequence of integrating innovative teaching methodology, the Townsend Harris Foreign Languages department offered a teaching position


Queens IS 499, Queens, New York                                    August 2011 to December 2011

Student teacher internship,

Develop and teach culture contextualized task based thematic units with their respective I.P.A.s (Interpretive Performance Assessments) framed on the communicative approach based on the 5 Cs proposed by the ACTFL (7th and 8th grade) in culturally diverse urban classrooms   


Kips Bay Boys & Girls Club; P.S. 140, Bronx, New York   August 2009 to August 2012

Hip Hop music production and education Director,

program creator, and instructor,

Create, design, and teach an educational holistic program for students ages 8 to 18. This program was developed within a pedagogical critical approach. Students learned how to produce a music album while the program syllabus targeted critical thinking, metacognitive learning strategies, cultural, racial, and socioeconomic diversity, gender differences, healthy habits, and motivation towards higher education through: Electronic Music production (teaching basic skills to produce electronic instrumental music); creative writing (use of strategies such as content and form analysis, brainstorming, and focus groups to write lyrics); digital recording, editing and mixing (teaching necessary skills to record, edit, and mix electronic music using professional Protools software); Graphic Design (teaching basic concepts and skills to create and develop digital art for album covers, logotypes, fliers, and different digital media platforms using Photoshop and Flash software). This program was featured at The Huffington Post by Arianna Hunffington


Research Interests


Critical applied sociolinguistics (articulation of critical sociolinguistics and critical/antiracist pedagogies); language ideologies (multilingualism and linguistic hybridity); language and identity (intersections of language, race, and power, raciolinguistics); Spanish in the USA and heritage language teaching.






Magro, J. L. (in press). Language and antiracism: An antiracist approach to teaching (Spanish) language in the USA, UK: Multilingual Matters/Channel View Publications, ‘New Perspectives on Language and Education’ series.


Chapters in books


Lacorte, M. & Magro, J. L. (2022). Foundations for Critical and Anti-Racist Heritage Language Teaching. In Loza, S. & Beaudrie, S. (2022). Heritage language teaching and research: Perspectives from critical language awareness. London, UK: Routledge


Magro, J. L. (2020). “Dope!! Puta vergona”: Identity “en el middle” and Language Choice in Instagram among Urban Music Affiliated Male Spanish Legacy Speakers from Da DMV. In Salgado-Robles, F., & Lamboy, E. M. (Eds.). Spanish across domains in the United States: education, public space, and social media (Ser. Brill's studies in language, cognition and culture, volume 23). Brill.


Journal Publications


Magro J. L. (2019). The sociolinguistics of Hip‐Hop as critical conscience: A review from the perspective of a sociolinguist Hip‐Hopper. Journal of Sociolinguistics 2019;00:1–9. https ://


Magro, J. L. (2018). Resistance identities and language choice in Instagram among Hispanic urban artists in Da DMV: Big data and a mixed-method. Education for Information, 1-24, 1-24. doi:10.3233/EFI-180199


Magro, J. L. (2016). Talking Hip-Hop: When stigmatized language varieties become prestige varieties. Linguistics and Education 36, 16–26.


Martínez-Avila, D., Ferreira, M., Magro, J. L. (2015). Teoría Crítica de Raza en la organización y representación del conocimiento. SCIRE: Representación y organización del conocimiento, 21, (2), 27-33


Journal Interviews


Checa Fernández, F. O., Magro, J. L. (2021). Entrevista a José Magro, El Meswy. "Ser lo que hablamos y hablar lo que somos": Conciencia lingüística crítica, pedagogías antirracistas y Hip-Hop. ETNO: Cuadernos de Etnomusicología, 15 (2), 29-43.


Magro, J. L., Aliagas, C. (2017). Música rap y aprendizaje en las aulas: entrevista a El Meswy/José Magro. Papers infancia c. Abr; 18:1-9.


Presentations, Invited Lectures, And Workshops

Practical approaches to Language & Antiracism in the language classroom/ Ohio State University

2022, Online: The twofold goal of this workshop was to provide answers to questions related to the implementation of antiracist pedagogies in the language classroom and how to deal with institutional, epistemological, and curricular handicaps that difficult antiracist approaches in our daily practice as educators.

GRAPHSY 2022: Keynote Speaker/ Georgetown University

2022, Washington, DC: Identidades híbridas: la imaginación de lo social/a imaginação do social (Hybrid identities: The imagination of the social). During my intervention I answered the following questions: What are some of the key issues your research has singled out regarding the relationship between language and identity (broadly defined)?; how is research on identity and language able to contribute or give back to the community?; what the role of research and researchers is in imagining a better, more just world?

Language and antiracism in the language classroom: practical approaches/ University of Maryland/SLLC Race, Equity & Justice Virtual Speaker Series

2022, College Park, MD: The twofold goal of this workshop was to provide answers to questions related to the implementation of antiracist pedagogies in the language classroom and how to deal with institutional, epistemological, and curricular handicaps that difficult antiracist approaches in our daily practice as educators.

8th National Symposium on Spanish as a Heritage language: SPANISH HERITAGE LANGUAGE EDUCATION AND SOCIAL JUSTICE PANEL/ The Graduate Center

2021, New York, NY: The National Symposium on Spanish as a Heritage Language (NSSHL) is an intellectual forum for the discussion of both the variable linguistic reality of Spanish heritage bilingualism in the United States (and elsewhere), and the diverse pedagogical needs of students of Spanish as a heritage language.

Antiracist pedagogies/ University of Maryland

2020, COLLEGE PARK, MARYLAND: Webinar for instructors of Spanish and Portuguese. The workshop focused on antiracist theory, antiracism at departmental level, antiracist curriculum across programs, and practical implementation of antiracist pedagogies that promote critical linguistic awareness and critical thinking while maintaining linguistic goals.

Sociolinguistics-informed antiracist approaches to language teaching/ Universidad de Málaga

2020, UNIVERSIDAD DE MALAGA, SPAIN: Three-hour webinar for third-year Sociolinguistics students at the University of Málaga’s Hispanic Philology program. The workshop focused on the practical implementation of antiracist pedagogies that promote critical linguistic awareness and issues of praxis in institutional contexts.

Practical Applications of Critical Spanish L2 Pedagogy/ University of Maryland

2019, COLLEGE PARK, MARYLAND: Workshop for instructors of Spanish and Portuguese. The workshop focused on practical implementation of antiracist pedagogies that promote critical linguistic awareness and critical thinking while maintaining linguistic goals.

Raperos latinos en Instagram: Lengua como herramienta de resistencia frente a la categorización racial y estigmatización de los latinos en los EE.UU./ PUCMM Campus de Santo Domingo

2019, SANTO DOMINGO, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: Conference at the College of Social Sciences, Humanities, and Arts at Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra. Invited for a second year, more than a hundred guests attended to this lecture focused on the use of (hybrid) language(s) in Instagram, by Hispanic urban artists residing in the Washington DC metropolitan area, as a tool of resistance against racial categorization.

Big data, language choice, and identities in Instagram among DMV legacy speakers/ Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)

2018, MARILIA, BRAZIL: Keynote speaker at the 10th International Meeting on Information, Knowledge and Action.

Hablando Hip-Hop: Raza, lengua e identidad y el español dominicano en estudiantes de herencia en New York/ PUCMM Campus de Santo Domingo

2018, SANTO DOMINGO, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: Conference at the College of Social Sciences, Humanities, and Arts at Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra. More than a hundred guests attended this talk introducing sociolinguistics, language attitudes and ideologies, and critical pedagogy to a diverse audience of faculty and students.

Hip-Hop Nation Language, translocal practices, and the art of theft/ American University

2017 and 2018, WASHINGTON, DC: Guest lecturer in the Department of Literature. Presentation for English Creative Writing Seminar.

Anti-racist pedagogies in the (second) language classroom/ The Graduate Center (CUNY)

2017, NEW YORK: Guest lecture in Critical Pedagogies Seminar for CUNY graduate students and professors, including Dr. Ofelia García, Dr. Niki Makihara, and seminar director Dr. Beatriz Lado.

Language, identity, law, and anti-racism/ University of Arizona

2017, TUCSON, ARIZONA: Guest speaker in the James E. Rogers College of Law. Presentation for the Latin American Law Students Association (LALSA) and the Native American Law Students Association (NALSA), the Middle East Law Students Association (MELSA), Black Law Students Association (BLSA) and Pride Law.

Talking Hip-Hop: Cuando el vernáculo urbano se convierte en el prestigioso / LASA

2015, SAN JUAN, PUERTO RICO: Desplazos Urbanos, panel: Physical and Cultural Dislocations, Shifting Inequalities, and Claims to the City.

Translating how to teach children to discriminate: linguistic iconization in children animated films dubbing / Georgetown University

2014, WASHINGTON, D.C.: In the Sociolinguistics panel at GURT 2014.

Integrating language learning and culture: Meeting diverse students’ needs through socially responsive creative language planning / Virginia International University.

2014, ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA: Workshop given to foreign language college instructors at the Conference on Language Learning and Culture.

Translating how to teach children to discriminate: linguistic iconization in children animated films dubbing / The CUNY Graduate Center

2014, NEW YORK CITY: In the Language Ideologies panel at The Grad Center Annual Conference.



TLTC Reimagining Learning Grant. Co-Pi in this proposal to expand current internship offerings through Experiential Learning components in Spanish for the Professions courses (2022). ($20,000).


Zenobia Camprubí SPAP Professional Faculty Award for AY 2021-22 Award for preparatory work that will go into semester or year-long projects (2021). ($1,000).


Special Purpose Advancement Grant for Language and Antiracism in the (Spanish) language classroom book project (2020). ($4,072)


SPAP Curriculum Design Award. Award to design antiracist modules for lower-level Spanish courses (2020). ($600).


College of Arts and Humanities at UMD interdisciplinary course design/teaching grant (2020). ($1,500)

Fulbright scholar (finalist, pending J.W. Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board for approval). (2019).


Doctoral Student Research Grant (City University of New York). 2016. ($500).


Department of Hispanic and Luzo-Brazilian Languages and Literatures, The Graduate Center (CUNY) full doctoral scholarship award. 2012-2016. ($112,500).


Professional Training


Online Instructor Training Program Certification / American University

2019, Washington, DC


Language for specific purposes (Spanish for the professions): Seminar by Dr. Darcy Lear / University of Maryland



DMV Spanish Heritage Language Symposium / University of Maryland



Useful evaluation in language programs / Georgetown University



Workshop in language programs evaluation at GURT 2016

LOTE Conference / NYC Department of Education


Resources, strategies, and learning standards: World Languages Education in an International City


Immigration and Xenophobia, critical perspectives/ Universidad Complutense de Madrid

1994-1995, MADRID, SPAIN.


Rorschach Test Clinical Evaluation / Hospital Gregorio Marañón

1993-1994, MADRID, SPAIN.



Professional Service


DMV Spanish Heritage Language Research Center / University of Maryland

2022-present, COLLEGE PARK, MD

The goals of this research center are:

1) Facilitating local teachers’ professional development by means of offering pedagogical workshops and sharing resources

2) Creating bridges between theory and practice to assist teachers in implementing research-informed pedagogy

​3) Fostering dialogue and collaboration by creating a community of practitioners, researchers, scholars, and members of the community

Race, Equity & Justice Committee / University of Maryland

2022-present, COLLEGE PARK, MD

Antiracist curriculum and workshops development / University of Maryland

2020-present, COLLEGE PARK, MD

Developing Language and Racism, a new course for the Arts and Humanities College, developing anti-racist workshops for the Department of Spanish and Portuguese, and revision and development of the Spanish and the Law course. Developing and presenting antiracist/critical pedagogies workshops, developing anti-racist modules for the language courses, and guiding their implementation.

Doctoral dissertation director / University of Valladolid (Spain)

2021-present, INTERNATIONAL

Directing Guillermo Sánchez González’s doctoral dissertation: Solfeo del Rap. This dissertation studies rap from an academic-music perspective and its application to the field of pedagogy.

Language partners liaison / University of Maryland

2017-present, COLLEGE PARK, MD

Volunteer for this program offering majors in Spanish the opportunity to meet with international students outside the classroom and practice their target language in an informal yet structured way. For international students, the program provides a forum for connecting with U.S. students and integrating into the UMD campus

PRAGDA film festival guest speaker / University of Maryland


Guest speaker for this prestigious festival featuring films from Latin America and Spain

Departmental workshops and meetings / University of Maryland


Participation in departmental workshops (every August and January since 2016) and meetings

Development of a new course in translation for a major in Spanish / University of Maryland


Development of new translation course for major in Spanish focused on Spanish for legal professions (SPAN 318, Translation of Technical Texts in Spanish). This course serves as a practical orientation to translation of English texts to Spanish, focusing on legal texts intersecting with issues of linguistic discrimination and immigration

Development of new translation/sociolinguistics course for major in Spanish / University of Maryland


Development of new translation course for major in Spanish focused on sociolinguistics and linguistic awareness (SPAN 318, Translation of Technical Texts in Spanish). This course serves as a practical orientation to translation of English texts to Spanish, focusing on technical texts intersecting with issues of discrimination from multiple perspectives, fields, and registers, from academic texts to rap songs or films. It attends to issues of translation within a very diverse range of registers, from formal/standardized to informal and stigmatized language varieties. One of the main goals of this course is to rise linguistic awareness from an anti-racist perspective in order to increase the functionality of the Spanish language users in different linguistic contexts

Development of new GenEd course for minor in Spanish / University of Maryland


Development of new general education course for minor in Spanish (SPAN 222, Cultural Differences in Contemporary Latin America). This course serves as an introduction to the study of Latin America and its representations and expressions. Through the relationships between power, language, and identity, the course aims to challenge the way Latin America has been socioculturally constructed since colonial times

Anti-racist curriculum / The George Washington University


Developing and integrating anti-racist contents and materials from an interdisciplinary perspective intersecting critical race theory, critical pedagogy, SLA, and sociolinguistics, in a content-based advanced Spanish course. These materials, as part of my dissertation research, developed an anti-racist (linguistic) awareness and more conscious citizens while increasing motivation and linguistic proficiency

Coordinator of the Spanish Program movie series / The George Washington University


Selection of international Spanish language films related to the content seen by students in class during their semester; schedule and physical/digital promotion; coordinating colloquia; poster designer.  The program increased its audience from 20-30 students per screening to up to 150 students

Study abroad adviser / The George Washington University

2015-2016, WASHINGTON, DC

Collaboration with Study Abroad faculty directors, interview students and analyze course syllabi of different study abroad programs taken by GWU students in order to be approved for credit transfer

Fulbright scholarship interviewer / The George Washington University

2015-2016, WASHINGTON, DC

Fulbright scholarship interviewer: conduct oral and written Spanish proficiency interviews in order to assess students’ linguistic competence


Courses Coordinator / The George Washington University

2015-2016, WASHINGTON, DC

Advanced and intermediate Spanish Coordinator:
Instructor supervision in a highly standardized course that, in order to maximize homogeneity among sections, required instructor's supervision and training including observation of classes and assessments, providing feedback to instructors, research-based task and content-based curriculum and assessment development/maintenance, extensive knowledge of instructional technology (BlackBoard, VoiceThread, etc.), and coordination of student placement


Community Service

Antiracist pedagogical program for The People’s Theater / New York, NY

2021, New York, NY

Developing a year-long antiracist course of ten units in partnership with Dr. Zaire Dinzey-Flores for a youth theater program in Washington Heights, New York.

DC Panthers Water Polo / DCDPR

2021-present, Washington, DC

Board director and coach for a co-ed water polo program open to everyone but targeted to promote water polo among 16 and under kids of color.

OXUN Water Polo / YMCA Silver Spring

2019-present, Silver Spring, MD

Creator, director, and coach for a co-ed water polo program open to everyone but targeted to promote water polo among 14 and under kids of color.

Translation/interpretation services / University of Maryland


Volunteer for a program assessing the welfare of all employees on campus

Translation/interpretation services / Edward Felegy Elementary School


Volunteer for a program offering healthy food habits services to Prince George County families

Raising critical linguistic awareness / University of Maryland/The George Washington University /Hunter College

2013-2017, COLLEGE PARK, MD

Raising linguistic awareness and motivation towards language learning through the catalytic validity of my research and my teaching, both in heritage speakers and L2 learners, attending to issues of language attitudes, linguistic and personal self-esteem, and developing an anti-racist awareness

Anti-racist pedagogies / University of Maryland/The George Washington University /Hunter College

2013-2017, COLLEGE PARK, MD

Curricular integration of anti-racist contents and materials from an interdisciplinary perspective intersecting critical race theory, critical pedagogy, SLA, and sociolinguistics, helping to develop an anti-racist (linguistic) awareness and more conscious citizens while increasing motivation and linguistic proficiency

Participation in musical shows and music publishing at Kips Bay Boys & Girls Club; P.S. 140 / Hip Hop music production and education Director, program creator, and teacher


Participation as music consultant, producer, and writer in professional bilingual/translingual off-Broadway musical shows, performances, and festivals for the South Bronx community in New York. Recording, publishing, and distribution of bilingual Hip-Hop music cds featuring students of my program, helping youth at-risk to attend to critical and linguistic issues going on in their communities through music and creative response, helping their academic development and linguistic and personal self-esteem


Professional Affiliations

Latin American Studies Association (LASA)

National Education Association (NEA)



Fully bilingual (Spanish, English)

Portuguese and Italian (reading level)



Educational software: Black Board, Canvas, Voicethread, Zoom


Software: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere, Adobe Illustrator, MacroMedia Flash, NVU (HTML format web software), Protools and Cubase (sound engineering softwares), Reason (music production software), Vector Magic, SignCut


Art: Extended experience as a muralist-graffiti artist. Spray can and Airbrush techniques; flock and vinyl garment printing system; clothing design and manufacturing



BroncoEstilo / Owner and CEO


Created Crudo Music, a record label dedicated to helping at-risk-youth through music production; create, design, produce, manage and directed BroncoEstilo international urban clothing brand; create, manage, and directing BroncoEstilo Events, dedicated to producing urban music events

  • Management – Develop strategic plan and manage all marketing, operations, and budget tracking and evaluation for clothing brand, music label, and events. Manage all international aspects, including relationships with factories in China, Pakistan, Portugal, Spain, coordination of international events and markets in Spain, USA, Ghana, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Peru, Chile, Colombia, Switzerland, and Ecuador

  • Marketing – Develop integrated marketing strategies for international markets, including Spain, USA, Ghana, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Peru, Chile, Colombia, Switzerland, and Ecuador. Train all sales representative teams and retail location managers in marketing planning

  • Education, Training, and Communication – Teach at-risk-youth to create, produce and use music as a vehicle for healthier lifestyles

  • Responsible for training, directing, and motivating all staff, as well as all international Sales Representatives at annual collection conventions

  • Design: Web platform, clothing, advertising, and album cover design and production using Photoshop, Illustrator, Flash, NVU, and other related software

  • Event production – Managing of technical production and promotional teams, tour logistics, and artist contracts for international events

Educational speaker and writer


Columnist writer and blogger for international publications. Speaker for international institutions. Texts and appearances are geared toward youth education and motivation, linguistics, and politics  

  • Guest speaker— Global Racism: Racism in Spain. Rutgers University, Department of Sociology (November 2009)

  • Guest speaker— Urban Spaces: Puertorican Reggaeton versus Spanish HipHop spaces. Rutgers University, Department of Caribbean Studies (November 2009)

  • Blogger — El Huffington Post. Blogger for the Spanish version of The Huffington Post

  • Columnist — Responsible for a monthly educational column in “HipFlow Magazine” (the most published urban music magazine in Spain targeting youth 10-25 years old), and blog writer at (Music Television Spain). Column aimed to educate youth through the use of urban language. Columns covered subjects such as drugs, sex, violence, racism, sexism, multiculturalism, social justice, vocational drive, and motivation

  • Lecturer – Appearances as a motivational speaker, social psychologist, and educational artist in diverse settings including schools (New York, Spain), cultural centers (Spain), and radio and TV programs (Spain, Mexico, Colombia, and New York)

Art / Spanish Hip Hop music recording artist

1993 – present, INTERNATIONAL

Create, write, design, produce, manage, and direct Spanish Hip-Hop solo and group albums and singles

  • Music content includes cross-cultural international youth language, social issues, critical thinking, and healthy lifestyles

  • Appearances in international concerts, festivals, TV stations, radio, magazines, newspapers and films in Spain, USA, Mexico, Chile, Colombia, Puerto Rico, and Peru


Under request

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© 2023 By José Magro.

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